
Plumper Lips with Dermal Fillers: All Your Questions Answered

Jan 11, 2024
Plumper Lips with Dermal Fillers: All Your Questions Answered

Whether you were born with thin lips or age has robbed your youthful fullness, you can have the plump pout you want with a quick and easy filler. If you’re new to dermal fillers, you have lots of questions — get your answers here.

You can do a lot to prevent premature aging, like staying fit and healthy and caring for your skin. But if age has already robbed you of the collagen and fat layers that kept your skin taut and resilient, you’ll need more than a good diet and exercise routine. 

One of the hallmarks of a youthful face is a set of plump lips. Unfortunately, they thin and wrinkle over time, giving away your age. The good news is that you can have the full lips of your youth again. 

And if you’ve always had thin lips, you can change your look in minutes. The secret is dermal fillers, but it’s not much of a secret anymore — nearly four million people know about, use, and swear by them. 

Not all fillers work on lips, and not everyone who administers fillers understands how to create the perfect, natural-looking pout — but we do. 

Dr. Boris Itskovich at Brooklyn Aesthetics in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, specializes in dermatology and aesthetics and has been helping women and men achieve the healthiest, youngest-looking skin for nearly 50 years. 

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about fillers and Dr. Itskovich’s expert answers.

What are dermal fillers and how do they work?

Dermal fillers come in various brands and formulas, but they all share one thing in common — they’re substances that are injected just below your skin’s surface to add volume and smooth out wrinkles. 

Dr. Itskovich uses dermal fillers to increase your lips’ size, shape, or structure. The most commonly used fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in your body that can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water. When injected into your lips, it attracts moisture, increasing volume and fullness.

What benefits do dermal fillers offer?

Lip dermal fillers are so popular because they give you a nonsurgical way to enhance your lips, so you avoid the risks and downtime that come with surgery.

Dermal fillers also provide immediate results, so you’ll see a significant difference right after your treatment. 

Finally, the effects of hyaluronic acid-based fillers can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the specific product used, your metabolism, and your lifestyle.

What does the procedure entail?

Your dermal filler treatment begins with a consultation where Dr. Itskovich discusses your goals and helps you understand what to expect. 

On the day of your treatment, we apply a numbing cream to your lips to keep you comfortable. Dr. Itskovich then carefully injects the filler using a fine needle, targeting precise depths and locations for the results you want. 

Following the treatment, you may have some swelling or bruising, which typically subsides within a few days.

Are there different types of dermal fillers for lip augmentation?

Yes, several types of hyaluronic acid-based fillers are available, each with unique properties that make them suitable for different treatment goals. 

Some, like Juvéderm Volbella® and Restylane®, are formulated to add volume, while others, like Belotero Balance®, are better suited for smoothing fine lines around your mouth.

Are there any possible side effects?

While dermal fillers are generally safe, they can cause side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. More severe complications are rare but can include infection, allergic reaction, or lumps and irregularities in your lips if administered by an inexperienced or unqualified provider.

How can I achieve natural and long-lasting results with fillers?

Achieving natural-looking results comes down to the skill and experience of your injector. Choosing a qualified professional like Dr. Itskovich, who understands facial anatomy and aesthetics, is essential. 

For long-lasting results, follow Dr. Itskovich’s aftercare instructions, including:

  • Don’t rub or scratch your lips
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of days
  • Don’t vape or smoke
  • Avoid hard, crunchy foods
  • Don’t wear lip balm or lipstick for the first day afterward
  • Avoiding kissing for a couple of days
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Drink from a glass, not a straw

Dehydration is the enemy of lip fillers, so drink plenty of water. Don’t fly within a week of your filler treatment, watch your sodium intake, and avoid hot environments like hot tubs and saunas.

If you have more questions about dermal fillers for your lips or want to know which one is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Itskovich by giving us a call at 718-550-6956 or by using our online booking tool today.