
Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers services offered in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY

Dermal fillers encompass one of the two most popular injectable treatments today, alongside Botox®. At Brooklyn Aesthetics, esteemed aesthetics specialist Boris Itskovich, MD, and the talented team offer a wide array of leading dermal filler brands in the Brighton Beach office in Brooklyn, New York City. Whether you want volume in your facial folds, lips, cheeks, or somewhere else, dermal fillers can provide immediate results. Book your consultation online or call the office today.

Dermal Fillers Q&A

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injections that increase skin volume in certain areas of the face. It’s normal to lose some of your body’s natural stores of collagen, which supports the skin, and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and plumps the skin over time. 

This is what causes lines, wrinkles, facial thinning, and lip thinning. Injecting a dermal filler replaces those substances and restores your appearance. 

Dermal fillers can also plump up lips and sculpt the face in unique ways, such as nonsurgical rhinoplasty to transform your nose without incisions and downtime. 

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What types of dermal fillers are available?

Brooklyn Aesthetics believes that every patient is special and unique, which means everyone may need a different type of filler to reach their goals. To meet the needs of all patients, the team offers all of the leading dermal fillers. 

The list of available fillers and treatment areas are: 


Sculptra® is an FDA-approved dermal filler used to treat and reduce deep wrinkles in your skin. This dermal filler is made of a gel-like substance called poly-L-lactic acid that absorbs into your tissues and stimulates the production of collagen. You can expect to see results for up to two years after treatment.

Juvéderm XC® 

Juvéderm XC treats nasolabial folds (“parentheses” around the nose and mouth) and other wrinkles.

Juvéderm Voluma®

Juvéderm Voluma treats volume loss in the cheek area.

Juvéderm Volbella®

Juvéderm Volbella provides lip plumping and can enhance the lip borders and cupid’s bow. It can also treat vertical lip lines (smoker’s lines). 


Radiesse treats facial folds, particularly the nasolabial folds and marionette lines.


Restylane treats mild-to-moderate nasolabial folds and other wrinkles. It’s also used for lip enhancement.  


Restylane-L treats moderate-to-severe wrinkles and facial folds and can also plump the lips.

Restylane Silk®

Restylane Silk provides subtle lip plumping. 

Belotero Balance®

Belotero Balance treats nasolabial folds. 

With so many options in dermal fillers, it can get confusing when deciding which one is right for you. The Brooklyn Aesthetics team evaluates your face and talks about your treatment goals with you so they can recommend the filler that offers you the desired results. 

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How often do I need to get dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers can last 6-24 months, depending on the type, area injected, and the patient. When you talk to the team about treatment, they tell you how long your filler is likely to last. 

The team also gives you tips for making your filler last as long as possible, like facials and pharmaceutical-grade skin care. 

Do you want instant improvement? Call Brooklyn Aesthetics to learn more about dermal fillers, or book an appointment online now.